Friday, June 8, 2012

Issue: we are unable to open the database after applying the patch. So even tried to open the database by roll backing the patch in FTCDPCH1. When we try to startup the database we are facing the below errors. The below error message in alert log files is pointing to the memory/NFS related issues on these boxes.

Getting the below error while starting the database:
SQL> startup
ORACLE instance started.

Total System Global Area 1073741824 bytes
Fixed Size                  2089336 bytes
Variable Size             427822728 bytes
Database Buffers          629145600 bytes
Redo Buffers               14684160 bytes
ORA-01102: cannot mount database in EXCLUSIVE mode

Found below errors in the alertlog:

sculkget: failed to lock /ftcdpch1/app/db/10.2.0//dbs/lkFTCDPCH1 exclusive
sculkget: lock held by PID: 8
Thu May 17 03:46:09 2012
ORA-09968: unable to lock file
Linux-x86_64 Error: 11: Resource temporarily unavailable
Additional information: 8
Thu May 17 03:46:09 2012
ORA-1102 signalled during: ALTER DATABASE   MOUNT...
Thu May 17 03:46:48 2012

Cause: it was due to some NFS memory locks at OS level.
Resolution:  Informed to UNIX team to reboot the server and then the issue resolved..

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